Confirmed Speakers for March 12th!
The live retreat is 9-2:00 Pacific Time. Participants are strongly encouraged to schedule a full day retreat for themselves and will receive a workbook of optional activities for personal time.
The live retreat is 9-2:00 Pacific Time. Participants are strongly encouraged to schedule a full day retreat for themselves and will receive a workbook of optional activities for personal time.

CEO and Founder - Mosaic Consulting
Done With D&I
Many workplaces have accepted that 'moving the needle' on D&I is an achievement when there are ways to move the whole machine forward if we changed our perspective. In this talk, Olanike proposes a new way to frame D&I so that we focus on what works vs. spinning our wheels and throwing money at untenable tactics that provide minimal progress.
CEO and Founder - Mosaic Consulting
Done With D&I
Many workplaces have accepted that 'moving the needle' on D&I is an achievement when there are ways to move the whole machine forward if we changed our perspective. In this talk, Olanike proposes a new way to frame D&I so that we focus on what works vs. spinning our wheels and throwing money at untenable tactics that provide minimal progress.

Founder - Amplify Coaching and Consulting
Less Surviving, More Thriving
When we shift our focus from managing our time to building our energy, miracles can happen: we can get more done, in less time, with greater results and more satisfaction. What’s more, it doesn’t require gimmicks or snake oil, just a perception shift and a commitment to focusing on thriving.
Founder - Amplify Coaching and Consulting
Less Surviving, More Thriving
When we shift our focus from managing our time to building our energy, miracles can happen: we can get more done, in less time, with greater results and more satisfaction. What’s more, it doesn’t require gimmicks or snake oil, just a perception shift and a commitment to focusing on thriving.

Badass Yoga Instructor (our words, not hers) - Nina Jarnum Yoga
Yoga For Leaders
Nina will lead us through a short do-it-in-the office yoga session. Yoga can either calm us when we are at points of high-stress, or energize us when we need a mental and physical boost. You will have a quick practice that you can use instead of reaching for coffee and cookies!
Badass Yoga Instructor (our words, not hers) - Nina Jarnum Yoga
Yoga For Leaders
Nina will lead us through a short do-it-in-the office yoga session. Yoga can either calm us when we are at points of high-stress, or energize us when we need a mental and physical boost. You will have a quick practice that you can use instead of reaching for coffee and cookies!

Director of Finance - The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Healing From Burnout (and preventing it too!)
Burnout. It is real. Stacey tells the story of how she, the “strong woman who had it all together”, got to the point of having to take medical leave, how she healed, and how gifts can come from chaos. She talks about recovery, prevention and mental health in the workplace and brings light to an epidemic that is still not getting the attention it deserves.
Director of Finance - The David and Lucile Packard Foundation
Healing From Burnout (and preventing it too!)
Burnout. It is real. Stacey tells the story of how she, the “strong woman who had it all together”, got to the point of having to take medical leave, how she healed, and how gifts can come from chaos. She talks about recovery, prevention and mental health in the workplace and brings light to an epidemic that is still not getting the attention it deserves.

Chief Regional Officer - iMentor
Creating a Leadership Story with Purpose
In this interactive session, participants will walk away with tools to talk about their leadership and connect it to their own purpose in order to connect even more deeply with their audience.
Chief Regional Officer - iMentor
Creating a Leadership Story with Purpose
In this interactive session, participants will walk away with tools to talk about their leadership and connect it to their own purpose in order to connect even more deeply with their audience.
Action Hour You’ve got a to-do list that haunts you in your sleep. This action hour is a choose-your-own-adventure block of time intended to help you get something done that has been weighing you down. You will have the option to: